Finally my own blog!

Finally a blog of my own, years ive been wanting to have my own blog, but wordpress are just too complicated for me, so to say, hahaha..

Then i tried github pages, originally i was going to built it using JS framework like Angular, or the small 7kb MVC library Mithril with Firebase as the back-end. Then I found this article by Barry Clark, instantly I know this is the way to go it, simple blog that not bloated with features, fits exactly what I need, no database, serve static content, thus very fast, real fast!

What I need to do is just fork jekyll-now repository as the starting point, config little bit of this little bit of that, ta… da… there goes my blog (I mean this). I would thank Barry Clark for providing such thing, finally I got my own blog!

Written on February 21, 2016